Nature Relationship Management

Streamlining compliance and risk management for businesses in line with CSRD, TNFD, and SBTN frameworks.


Nature Relationship Management

Streamlining compliance and risk management for businesses in line with CSRD, TNFD, and SBTN frameworks.


Nature Relationship Management

Streamlining compliance and risk management for businesses in line with CSRD, TNFD, and SBTN frameworks.

Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example
Website example


Only Business can save nature.

Only Business can save nature.

Business plays the pivotal role in preserving and restoring the integrity of nature for future generations. Regulation, investors and customers require companies to tansfrom, adapt and comply.

Regulatory reporting

Businesses are obligated to comply with forthcoming reporting regulations, notably the CSRD, and standards like TNFD, GRI, and SBTN.

Public awareness

Rising public awareness demands businesses to implement nature-positive practices.

Supply Chain

Companies are increasingly demanding nature-related reporting from their B2B partners.

Investor focus

Around the world, investors are now emphasizing the significance of understanding nature-related risks, impacts and dependencies. of the companies they invest in.


Business Tools for Nature.

Business Tools for Nature.

Our tools empower your sustainable business growth, minimizing dependencies and impacts on nature for positive outcomes in nature.

Our tools empower your sustainable business growth, minimizing dependencies and impacts on nature for positive outcomes in nature.

Interface Management

Evaluate and align your business operations with nature.


Track environmental impacts and dependencies using advanced data.


Connect and contribute to ecological restoration projects effectively.


Share your environmental journey and achievements with stakeholders.


Aligning Business and Nature.

Aligning Business and Nature.

Integrating nature analytics, real-time monitoring, and impactful communication for a startegic business approach to nature.

Integrating nature analytics, real-time monitoring, and impactful communication for a startegic business approach to nature.

Collaboration Tools

Multi-user access and interactive features for team collaboration

Nature Analytics

Insights into biodiversity, ecosystem services, and natural-capital assets.

Guided Data Entry

Step-by-step guidance and tips to ensure fast and accurate data input.

Materiality Rating

Aligns with the TNFD to identify and prioritize nature-related risks.

Impact Page

Customizable and public webpage to showcase nature-related impacts.


Export your data in the format you need: pdf, Excel, and more


Balance between Business and Nature.

We build software that ensures economic growth while keeping business and nature in balance.

For business

For nature

For earth



Working with great partners.

Working with great partners.

We are thankful to be supported by and working with great partners. We warmly invite to reach out to collaborate with us.

We are thankful to be supported by and working with great partners. We warmly invite to reach out to collaborate with us.


Contact Us


Contact Us


Contact Us

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We’re always here to help. Contact us if you are experiencing issues with out product or have any questions.


Jülicher Straße 209a
Aachen 52072

Get in touch

We’re always here to help. Contact us if you are experiencing issues with out product or have any questions.


Jülicher Straße 209a
Aachen 52072

Get in touch

We’re always here to help. Contact us if you are experiencing issues with out product or have any questions.


Jülicher Straße 209a
Aachen 52072